About Us

The Fond Doux Foundation is a 501(C)3 Corporation.  It was founded by members of Epworth United Methodist Church, Durham, NC in co-ordination with some members of Unity Church, Cary, NC and Swansboro United Methodist Church, Swansboro, NC following visits from members of these Churches to Fond Doux, Haiti in 2010 and 2011.  The Foundation was incorporated on April 12, 2012.  The Foundation was developed with the hope of expanding the efforts beyond the resources of one church and to open up the possibility of collaboration with other churches, individuals and other institutions and groups.  You are expressly invited to bring your voices, resources and expertise to enhance the lives of the people of the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere and especially the villagers in and near Fond Doux, Haiti.

Helping people, changing lives.

Serving God by helping the people of Fond Doux and neighboring communities to achieve a better life.

Mission Partner:

The Fond Doux Foundation partners with the Primitive Church of Fond Doux, a non-denominational Christian Church, founded by Pastor Brucely Delma, still pastor of the congregation, to engage in community programs in the village of Fond Doux and nearby areas, including Delatte, Gibney, Anous and Platon.  Over the ensuing years a number of projects have been launched.