
Can We?

Improve The Quality of Nutrition and Access to Food Supplies

Animal Care Training

Because so many goats died in an earlier “Kids” for Kids Project, a “Heifer Project” like program of distributing goats in the village, a program of classes in goat care has been included in our mission trips.  More recently chicken care has been added.

*   Improving Animal Sustainability

Each year for six years the veterinarian Libby Engel has been providing vaccinations and deworming of goats.  This past year 2018 sufficient Americans and Haitians had been trained to do this so that they did it in her absence.  This year an all Haitian team also vaccinated the pigs in Fond Doux.  This prevents too many pre-mature deaths of the small life-stock population and is a great boon to improving protein nutrition.

* Goat and Chicken Production

A major early effort of the Foundation was the establishment of a goat farm in the village.  Goats are still raised by individual families; but for a variety of reasons, the FDF sponsored goat farm has been converted to a chicken (laying hens) facility.  Improving protein nutrition is still a goal of the foundation.

Food Distribution

While the necessary goal is self-sufficiency, the Foundation has decided that we would purchase and help distribute gifts of beans and rice on each mission trip to those designated by the Haitian hosts.  Malnutrition is really a major problem in the country.  How can we eat three meals a day when our hosts eat only one?  We cannot!