Our Vision & Mission

Our Vision

Helping. Healing. Caring.

Enhance the lives of the people of Fond Doux, Haiti, who are living in poverty.

Our Mission

Opening minds, changing lives

Embracing the call of Jesus, the Mission of the Fond Doux Foundation is to empower those who live in and around Fond Doux, Haiti, helping to provide:

  • Vacation Bible school and Christian cultural activities
  • Sustainable agriculture with the goal of improving nutrition
  • Education in animal husbandry, public health and English as a second language
  • Community support of the health and well-being of the villagers

All to the Glory of God.

Our Dreams

Can we Dream? Making Dreams Real!

A Library for Fond Doux is being explored as a possible Tenth Anniversary Project.

A Health Clinic is one of the things most talked about in the village pf Fond Doux. It is also the most expensive project to maintain as it would need to be heavily subsidized.

A Trade School has also been suggested by the Haitians because a classical education does not prepare the villagers for available jobs. Some areas to be explored are shoe repair, auto mechanics, sewing and computer technology. The sale of products used in instruction might help subsidize the program.

The School in Platon has reduced its size to two grades because of lack of adequate financial resources. The foundation has been asked to explore funding three or four teachers.

An Out House at Platon could make the beach of Platon a modest attraction for foreigners to swim at the beach. This would provide some financial resources to the community.

A Church in Platon would eliminate the necessity of villagers to go to a neighboring village by dugout canoe for their Sunday services. It could also serve as a community center and more space for a larger school. They have a resident pastor, who also serves as headmaster at the school.